Everyone has a different learning style, which makes life more interesting! Some of us like to listen to the advice and experiences of others while driving to work. While others tune in after a long day with a delicious treat. Find your perfect way to learn from others and spark our own curiosity.
My podcast came about rather organically. I noticed a lot of seasoned learner-driven teachers reacted with the onset of the pandemic. My response was not to panic, but to troubleshoot. I took a major risk and created a five day inquiry challenge in an audio and video form. I do not like to film myself or record my weird sounding voice, but I knew I had to put my ideas out there to help others. Since then, this podcast has morphed into something that I am proud of. It has no frills, no music, no sponsors...just me speaking my truth. It has gotten me through some tough times and I hope it will be the same for you.
Here are some podcasts that I listen to inspire my growth and thinking. I'm seeking recommendations, so please comment below if you have found a podcast that I should add to the list!
This podcast, Confessions of a PYP Teacher, has been designed to connect ideas over time and to build upon each other. It's definitely not perfect, since all of the ideas come from my mind. If you have some ideas that you would like to explore more in-depth, please post a comment below.