We all need new ideas to spark our curiosities and wonderings. It's part of continually developing as individuals and being part of a professional learning network. I'm continuously having aha moments as I engage in discussions with other people, observe the world around me, and take time to reflect and connect ideas together. This is a process that helps us to grow not only as educators, but as human beings on this planet.
Works of Inspirational Educators
As you delve further into your own development of learner-driven practices, take it slowly. There are many resources in the marketplace about agency, inquiry, and concept-driven learning. Be sure to choose resources based on research and the expertise of industry experts such as, Kath Murdoch, Dr. Lynn Erickson, Jo Fahey, Ron Ritchhart, Mark Church, John Hattie, just to name a few. These thought leaders have helped to shape my practice and I hope they do the same for you.
Books about Assessment
These texts have pushed my understanding of what assessment looks and feels like in practice. It's going beyond what we traditionally think is the purpose of assessment.
Books about Concepts
These books helped me understand the importance of using concepts in my daily practice. They take thought, so be sure to find a quiet spot to reflect and connect.
Books about Inquiry
This collection has inspired me along my learner-driven journey within the PYP program. I would not be the same educator without the wisdom and practical ideas from these dynamic educators. I hope they inspire you too.
Books about Learner Identity
These resources have stretched my thinking about the importance of creating a culture of agency to support individual learner needs.
The resources below have been curated with you in mind. Please follow the copyright policies and honor the original author's hard work to create products that are meaningful for you and your learners.
Be sure to check out the other resources in this section!