We all need new ideas to help us to grow. This is the joy of coming together as a community to share ideas. Here are some opportunities I've experienced to learn and grow as a practitioner. I hope they help you too.
Book Club
Book clubs bring us together to read, think, and ponder. We share our ideas, so our thinking stretches in new ways. here are highlights of past book club events.
Inquiry Question
Inquiry is all about asking questions. Here are some questions that I have posed. What will be your answer?
Learner-Driven Libraries
The library is the hub of the school, so we need to think differently about how the space is designed and our varied roles to make physical, digital, and human resources come to life.
Shout-Out: Educators
Everyone knows a spectacular educator that is making a difference in the world. I'm taking time to shout-out to special people that have influenced my life and add a sparkle to the teaching profession.
Shout-Out: Schools
Along my journey, I've met spectacular schools who are creating innovative changes to meet the needs of their learners. This is an opportunity to shout-out to the community about their accomplishments. I'm so excited!
Sketch Club
Traveling Teacher
As I travel the world, I'm inspired with new ideas that I share in short video clips. Don't mind my silliness.