by Lu Gerlach You’ve unpacked the learner profile attributes, now what? Do you just use them whenever time permits or can you plan with them in mind? In my personal observation over the past twelve years, I’ve noticed that most PYP teachers use them as behavior attributes. So our challenge is to look at the learner profile in a new light and try to consider them as a teaching tool. Here are some examples in relation to learning spaces Attributes in the Learning SpaceWhen we are thinking of the learning space, we are considering more than just how the furniture is laid out and how the walls are decorated. We are examining how the learning space has been designed to reflect the learner profile attributes. Are there places where students can take open-minded risks? Here are some possible suggestions: Thinkers: an inquiry table is an excellent way for students to play with ideas and make connections based on their prior learning. An inquiry table has materials from the various content within the unit. Students examine and make predictions on what the unit is about and how the objects are connected together. Inquirers: an inquiry station has random materials and a question is posed to provoke the thinking. Possible question: What can you create with these materials to show force and motion? This open-ended task allows students to express their curiosity and hone critical thinking skills. Attributes in the School LibrarySince the library is the hub of all learning, it sets the tone for reading as a lifelong learner. It can also set a tone for developing the learner profile attributes.
Attributes in the School HallwaysThe school hallways, office areas, and other communal spaces provide a blank canvas for the exploration of the attributes. One challenge is to make it interactive and relevant to our students, instead of pretty wallpaper.
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February 2025